IGG'S Independence Day Message 2024
Oct. 9, 2024
Fellow Countrymen & Women, I encourage you all to celebrate Uganda's 62nd Independence Anniversary. There are many voices saying we shouldn't, but they should think of the birth of a nation like the birth of a child. The important thing is that it is born. The process of growth is easier for some than for others. There will be sickness, scarcity, walking and falling, accidents, some maiming, but there can be no turning back to the womb. Sociologists, political analysts, social scientists and academicians will all analyse the growth problem(s) and even suggest remedies.... all that is part of growth, which developed countries have gone thru.... except in their case, instead of begging for aid, they plundered and took by force. Compatriots, growth is never a walk in the park but TODAY, we celebrate being born as a country. Tomorrow, we can discuss the growth curve, what it could be, why it isn't, and mitigating factors.
Happy 62 years, Uganda
Beti Kamya Turwomwe